Selling timber harvested from their land, particularly in farm woodlots and rural forests, is one method landowners attempt to generate some extra revenue. You might be a suitable candidate for timber harvesting if you own acres or a bigger residential lot.
Here is everything you need to know about using your land to sell timber. Whether you plan to clear a portion of it and sell it once, or plan to make it a regular habit.
Knowing the location of the property lines is essential before beginning any work; otherwise, you risk legal trouble if you mistakenly down a tree on someone else’s land. Property lines can be found on your deed; but, if you want an expert assessment, engaging a forester is your best bet.
Work with a Professional Forester
You may have heard terrible stories of landowners who were duped or had loggers who didn’t respect their land. This is the cardinal rule of selling timber. Ask for qualifications or any certifications, demand insurance for the loggers and crew, demand references from forestry experts and landowners, and sign a contract to save yourself time and hassle. By taking all of the aforementioned actions, you can avoid major problems in the future.
Make a Plan
After engaging with a trusted specialist, collaborate with them to create a forest management strategy. This will assist you in making the best use of your property, and help you decide what objectives your forester should pursue. Some goals can include decreasing crowdedness, preserving damaged trees, establishing a home for wildlife, or even constructing vistas or pathways. To learn more about all of your options, speak with your forestry expert.
Get to Know Your Timber
If you want to receive what you are due, you must become familiar with your timber. The species, size, health, number of trees on your land, ease (or difficulty) of access, and market circumstances are just a few of the variables that affect the value of your timber.
Promote to Buyers
Take your time with this stage or you risk undervaluing the value of your timber. Contact prospective customers through your forester; they will be able to identify serious customers and predict their likelihood of making a purchase. To make the procedure simpler and quicker for you, your forester will send a notice of a timber sale.
It takes some preparation and perseverance to break into the wood scene, but doing so could lead to long-term success and steady revenue. When a property is properly managed, trees are a valuable resource that can generate hundreds of dollars per acre annually.
Promote your timber vigorously rather than selling it to the first buyer that offers to buy it
Your returns will typically increase significantly if you advertise your timber properly. A buyer’s willingness to pay determines the worth of timber because it lacks a realistic market value. Make as many calls to prospective purchasers as you can to get the best offer. Bids for timber sales might vary greatly. Hiring a qualified forester will, in most cases, improve your satisfaction with the outcome of your timber sale.
So, if you’re looking for help with timber falling and selling timber from expert tree services in your area, contact us today!